I'm so excited, Jaxon is walking(with his toy)! The other night he just decided to take off walking with his push toy. He never gave any indication that he was even interested before. Over the past couple of weeks he has really been watching Jaylyn run around the house like a wild monkey so maybe that caught his attention. He been walking along furniture and stuff but this is the first time he took steps in a forward direction and now he won't stop! Last year sometime I had told Nathan that maybe when Jaxon was walking we would try to another baby but just a couple of months ago I said that if he is walking before Christmas we might have to wait on that baby! Not so sure I'm ready to do everything all over again right now. Jaxon is doing great, he recognizes momma and daddy and stomps his foot (while sitting) when he gets mad! He loves bouncing on the bed and falling backwards (have to really watch because he'll fall right off the bed), loves swinging ( prefers high and fast) so we go to the park as much as we can., loves Veggietales and Dora, he gets very excited and starts "yelling" at the tv when Swiper the fox comes out.

Jaylyn is gonna be 4 in February, time has gone so fast! I mentioned to Nathan the other day that it seems like I was just shopping for her baby stuff yesterday. She is growing like a weed she is still tall for her age compared to other kids. I decided not to put her in headstart, figured it would be best to keep her at home with Jaxon as much as possible right now to help him learn. Candy always makes her feel better. She got in trouble last week at K-mart and told me that candy would make her feel better.

Crossing her eyes (in different angles) is gonna make her famous one day. I can't stop laughing when she does it! We sing the song "If You're Happy and You Know It" a lot in the car but she doesn't like it when I tell her "if you're happy and you know it, poop your pants!" It's hilarious to watch her reaction to that line. She loves to sing, constantly singing or humming a song all the time, usually "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" or "Row, Row, Row You're Boat". I'm her bestfriend, she tells me all the time and when I can't get her to hold my hand when walking into a store, I tell her that bestfriends hold hands and she says, oh, ok. Works everytime!

We got back from Colorado Springs September 14th. I've been there before but didn't get to see much it was just a trip there and right back the next day. The Riders led worship at a worship gathering, it was really good (the time that I got to go, we took the kids). It was amazing to have over a thousand people come together for a powerful time of prayer, praise and worship. So the times that we had to "leave" service we usually went shopping. I only shop at stores with shopping carts, Nathan makes fun of me when I say buggie. Does anybody else call them buggies?! I know people do but I can't convince him of that. When we were not shopping we just drove around, the scenery is absolutely beautiful, it's so clean and pretty, the leaves were starting to change. It's for sure a place I'd like to go every year just to get away and from the way things went last weekend, I think we'll be going back often!
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